

Illustration of a Student at a Bridge


这个词 “转移” is specifically used to describe advancement from a community college to a university. 转移 means that you begin your bachelor’s degree at a community college and complete it at a university


Earning a bachelor's degree provides the following advantages in today's workforce:

  • Prepares you for a specialized career
  • Makes you more marketable in the job market
  • Increase access to career opportunities
  • 更高的工作满意度
  • 增加收入潜力
  • 经济稳定
  • 个人成长
  • 降低失业风险
Table of Education Pays Information
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2020

视频传输101 to learn more about how to transfer from LAVC to a four-year university.


What are the minimum requirements to transfer?

在大多数情况下, you will need a minimum of 60 transferable units composed of your major, 通识教育, and elective courses (if needed). In order to know which courses are right for you, you must know which university you would like to transfer to (UC, CSU, 私人, 和州外). You also need to declare a major before transferring. Please visit us for more information regarding transfer.

*Please make sure you make an appointment with a counselor to discuss more in depth which classes are right for your educational goals.


The 加州州立大学 Logo


The 加州州立大学 is a system of 23 public institutions- the largest four-year public university in the United States. CSU is known for providing opportunities for research, scholarship, and creative activities.

These hands-on opportunities provide a high-quality education where students can engage with course content, develop and test hypotheses and push boundaries.

Learn more about the CSU's by clicking on the links below:

转移ring to a CSU from LAVC


The 加州大学 is a system of 10 public research universities routinely ranked among the world’s best. The UC has established a reputation for pioneering research, innovation, and discovery.

The 加州州立大学 Logo

UC campuses have large numbers of distinguished faculty in almost every academic discipline, with UC faculty and researchers having won 69 Nobel Prizes as of 2020. Learn more about the UC's by clicking on the links below:

转移ring to a UC from LAVC



There are over 80 private colleges and universities in California. 私人 universities generally are smaller with a lower teacher-to-student ratio. Some private schools may have religious affiliations.

私人 schools usually have a smaller selection of majors but may offer more specialized academic programs. The requirements for transfer admission and majors offered varies from school to school. Learn more about the private universities by clicking on the links below:

转移ring to a 私人 University from LAVC


资源 描述
协助.org ASSIST is a great resource that allows you to see what major preparation courses to take at LAVC prior to transferring to a CSU or UC.
加州大学转学招生策划人 UC TAP is a free online tool to help prospective UC transfer students track and plan their coursework.
加州申请 Learn about the CSU system, campuses that offer your major, impaction, and how to apply.
UC 转移 Admission Guarantee (TAG) Learn about how to get guaranteed admission to a UC.



Learn about how to get an associate degree at LAVC and guaranteed admission to the CSU system.
Eureka Learn about what university offers your major.



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