
Institutional Effectiveness & Accountability

LAVC跟踪学生成绩和学习数据,作为其持续改进过程的一部分. 以下是关于学生成绩、课程、项目和服务的信息.

LAVC OIE Homepage / More Data

Program Review


Student Learning Outcomes


Institution-Set Standards

LAVC has Institution-Set Standards (ISS) for success, retention, completion, transfer and other outcomes.

Licensure Rates

洛杉矶山谷学院(LAVC)发布有关其课程的执照考试通过率的信息.   提供了通过/失败信息,以及详细信息的链接.

洛杉矶山谷学院(LAVC)发布有关其课程的执照考试通过率的信息. 有关以下LAVC课程的详细资料,请浏览以下网址:

  2022 2021  2020 2019   2018 2017 2016 2015
LAVC - New Candidate Summary 75.00% 72.22% 80.77% 68.00%  70.37% 77.27% 88% 77.78%
LAVC - Repeat Candidate Summary 61.54% 50% 50% 26.67% 46.67% 66.67% 100% 70%
National- New Candidate Summary 68.94% 64.15% 71.98% 68.37% 73.37% 70.63% 72.14% 76.40%
National - Repeat Candidate Summary 31.93% 29.52% 33.96% 26.71% 27.26% 26.08% 27.38% 33.43%
EMT Written Examination Results by Program
Pass 1st Attempt
  2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
LAVC 91% 77% 66% 65% 63% 40% 42% 38%
California 74% 73% 72% 71% 68% 68% 70% 73%
National 70% 69% 68% 68% 65% 67% 70% 72%

Student Right-to-Know

Student Right-to-Know Data

In compliance with the Student-Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-542), 洛杉矶社区学院区(LACCD)和洛杉矶山谷学院(LAVC)的政策是向所有现有和未来的学生提供其完成率和转学率.

A cohort of all certificate-, degree-, and transfer-seeking first-time, full-time students are tracked over a three year period.

Student Right to Know by Cohort
SRTK Year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Cohort Year Fall 2020 Fall 2019

Fall 2018

Fall 2017 Fall 2016 Fall 2015 Fall 2014 Fall 2013 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2010 Fall
Completion Rate 41.21% 32.11% 32.19% 25.63% 25.89% 23.00% 21.10% 23.83% 27.89% 21.12% 18.06% 18.38%
Transfer Rate 8.19% 6.62% 8.38% 10.84% 9.95% 10.00% 8.79% 8.39% 8.17% 9.13% 10.45% 10.01%

last updated 6/3/24

Additional information can be found at the CCCO SRTK site. 这些比率并不代表LAVC所有学生的成功率, 它也没有考虑到这三年追踪期之外的学生成绩.


Employment Outcomes


Salary & Wage Information

加州社区学院校长办公室首次公布了在加州社区学院某一特定项目领域获得奖励的应届毕业生的收入对比信息. The Salary Surfer 使用五年期间毕业生的总收入来估计在获得某些学科的证书或学位后两年和五年的潜在工资. 这个工具还提供了关于哪些大学提供这些特定学科的课程的信息. 薪资网站不包含转到四年制大学的社区大学学生的工资信息.

The CCCCO College Wage Tracker 使用加州就业发展(EDD)失业保险(UI)工资数据,提供在特定加州社区学院完成学分奖励的学生在一系列学年的工资中位数信息 . 学生完成奖项后三年的年度总工资中位数显示并按学院和奖项类型分类.


Los Angeles Valley College Consumer Information


洛杉矶山谷学院(LAVC)为当前或未来的学生及其家庭提供 consumer information about the college, which includes:

  • General campus information
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Financial Aid
  • Enrollment
  • Student Race/ethnicity and Gender
  • Program Completion
  • Retention Rates for First-Time Students
  • Overall Graduation Rate and Transfer-Out Programs/Majors
  • Net Price Calculator

LAVC’s data elements are reported annually through the IPEDS系统到国家教育统计中心(NCES). NCES是收集和分析美国教育相关数据的主要联邦实体.S. and other nations. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences.

The College Affordability & 透明中心(CATC)大学记分卡提供有关净价格的信息, graduation, loan default rate and typical amount borrowed by students. See LAVCCATC College Scorecard.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Information

The Family Educational Rights Act (FERPA) 是否有联邦法律保护学生教育记录的隐私. 这项法律适用于所有接受美国联邦教育资助计划资助的学校.S. Department of Education. FERPA赋予父母关于子女教育记录的某些权利. 当学生年满18岁或就读高中以上的学校时,这些权利转移给学生.

Institutional Planning

LAVC Educational Master Plan

Educational Master Plan (2020-2026)

教育总体规划是学院的中心规划文件,反映了学院的使命, Vision, and Core Values.  教育总体规划详细说明了与学院教育目标相关的所有学术和教育规划目标. 皇冠官网网站的教育总体规划(2020-2026)详细说明了学院将追求的战略方向,以迎接未来六年将面临的挑战和机遇

Goal 1: 通过创新的以学习者为中心的环境和公平的文化来提高完成度.

Goal 2: Promote campus and community engagement. 

Goal 3: 通过确保金融稳定,最大限度地提高制度效率, increasing access, 并投入资源培养和支持学生的学习. 

The Educational Planning Committee 负责监察及修订LAVC教育总体规划.  As part of the process, EPC is also responsible for reviewing the institutional mission, vision and core values.