

Los Angeles Valley College operates under the ICS emergency man年龄ment structure discussed in detail in LAVC Emergency 操作 Plan. The emergency plan complies with the legal stipulations of the State of State of California Code of Regulations, 标题19, 部门2, 其中载有与应急反应有关的规定.




The basic EOC organizational structure consists of five Sections (functions) which normally would be activated for a major incident: Man年龄ment, 操作, 规划, 物流, 和金融. 为科长和组织结构图中的每个职位提供了核对表. 各科长应在职员到达平机会后,将核对表分发给他们. 部门主管负责确保所有响应人员阅读并遵循他们的岗位清单.

The Policy/Advisory group is made up of the Los Angeles Valley College President and LAVC Board of Governors who provide executive level policies relating to the emergency response; promote and enhance multi-jurisdictional coordination; coordinate information; and make requests to city, 县政府和州政府. The Policy/Advisory group coordinates decisions and information directly with the Director of Emergency 服务.

The 管理部分 is headed by the Director of Emergency 服务 (Vice President Administration) who has overall man年龄ment responsibility for the incident. The director provides emergency policy and ensures effective coordination through the joint efforts of governmental 年龄ncies and private organizations. 管理科工作人员处理法律咨询等事项, 公共信息, 安全, 以及机构间联络.


  • 紧急服务主任-副总统行政部门
  • 公共信息官-公共关系经理
  • 应急管理协调员-设施经理
  • 联络主任-设施经理

The 操作部分 is headed by an 操作部分 Chief who coordinates all College strategic field operations. The 操作部分 provides key strategic objectives and priorities to the 规划部分 for the completion and implementation of the Los Angeles Valley College EOC Action Plan. 在涉及多个学科的事件中,行动科科长可有副手或助理. 行动科根据事件的需要再分为若干股.


  • 营运科主任-行政副总裁
  • 执法及消防/救援组组长-当值副主任(消防处)
  • 环境健康和安全——总工头
  • 设施管理组组长-设施经理
  • 学生协调小组组长-学生服务副主席
  • 家长协调组组长-学生服务副总裁
  • 急救/医疗小组组长-运动教练

The 规划部分 is headed by the 规划部分 Chief and is structured into Units depending on the needs of the incident. The 规划部分 man年龄s EOC mess年龄 distribution; collects, 分析, and displays dam年龄 assessment and response data regarding emergency operations; conducts planning meetings; collects, disseminates and maintains EOC documentation; and for extended operations, 协调皇冠官网网站平等机会行动计划的发展和分发.


  • 策划科科长-教务处副校长
  • 文件组组长-行政秘书-学术事务
  • 情况状况组组长-高级. 警长办公室助理
  • 损害评估小组组长-工厂设施秘书
  • 回收组组长-首席财政行政官

后勤科由后勤科科长领导,负责提供设施, 服务, 人员, 设备, 并跟踪支持事件的资源和材料的状态.


  • 后勤科科长-总裁行政助理
  • 人事组组长-社区服务经理
  • 采购/供应组组长-采购代理
  • 通讯组组长-电子技术员
  • 运输组组长-电子技术员
  • 关怀及庇护组组长兼教务长

The 财务部分 is headed by the 财务部分 Chief who maintains emergency related expenditure records using a Disaster Accounting System to track 人员 and 设备 time; provide payments to vendors for supplies and 设备 us年龄; man年龄 claims against the College; and to coordinate tasks associated with state and FEMA disaster recovery. 本节可包括成本、时间和回收单位.


  • 财务主管-首席财务行政官
  • 成本组组长-高级. 会计人员
  • 时间单位领导-工资主管


An EOC is a location from which centralized emergency man年龄ment can be performed during a major emergency or disaster. 主要的洛杉矶山谷学院EOC位于儿童保育中心. 备用EOC设在LAVC主席会议室. These facilities will be used for coordinating the Los Angeles Valley College emergency response by the Director of Emergency 服务, 应急人员, 以及来自外部机构或地区的代表.

EOC提供权力和信息的中心位置, 并允许管理学院应急响应的人员之间进行面对面的协调.

  • 管理和协调紧急行动
  • 接收和传播警告信息
  • 制定应急政策/程序
  • Collecting intelligence from and disseminating information to the various EOC representatives as well as adjacent cities and the county
  • 准备情报/信息摘要, 情况的报告, 运行报告, 行动计划, 以及其他需要的报告
  • 维护一般和特定的地图, 信息显示板, 以及其他与紧急行动有关的数据
  • 分析和评估与紧急行动有关的所有数据
  • Controlling and coordinating the operational and logistical support of College resources committed to the emergency
  • 与当地政府环境委员会保持联系和协调
  • 为洛杉矶山谷学院的学生提供紧急信息和指导, 教师, 和工作人员, 向新闻媒体发布官方消息, 安排新闻发布会


EOC set-up is the responsibility of the 操作 Chief and/or the College Director of 设施 supported by the EOC staff. 然而, 如果警察部门的代表不在的话, 第一批到达EOC的人员应该开始设置. (EOC激活清单和EOC图见本节末尾)

EOC的主要目的之一是积累, 验证, 并共享信息,以确保协调, 及时响应. To facilitate the display and tracking of key information laminated status charts and maps are stored at EOC. 每个科长负责准确和及时地显示本部门的信息. 所有显示图表, 白板, 彩色标记笔和行政用品等材料存放在设施部. Each Section is responsible to determine specific display needs (such as utility schematics or other department specific information) and maintain accurate and up-to-date information on the charts and maps.

紧急事务主任(副主席), 管理服务) and/or the 操作 Chief is responsible for the operational readiness and maintenance of the primary Los Angeles Valley College EOC. 他们还将协调备用eoc设施的准备和维护.

紧急事务主任将确定业务期间的期限. 根据战术情况, 作业时间可延长至12小时,以满足响应要求. Relief shifts should arrive 30 minutes before the start of their shift so that briefings can be conducted on what has occurred, 关于已经达成的决定, 以及还有哪些问题尚未解决.

Operational briefings for the Director of Emergency 服务 and Public Information Officer should be scheduled at 2 to 4 hour intervals. Briefings for the 政策/咨询小组 should be scheduled on a 6 to 12 hour interval based on the situation. 计划科科长应在每个业务期间安排一次行动计划会议. 规划科负责协调所有简报和规划会议. The Public Information Officer will schedule briefings for the news media on an as required basis (based on the tactical situation). 科长将为简报会和会议准备摘要,其中包括:

  • 洛杉矶山谷学院解决了问题
  • 过去6小时内出现的重大新问题
  • 预测下一个业务期间的问题和所需的支持
  • 需要其他机构的援助和互助状况
  • 应传递给其他平机会科的由科编制的资料


Los Angeles Valley College has an emergency response vehicle (former college police car) that is equipped with Sheriff’s and Plant 设施 radios, 还有一个扬声器系统. 这种车辆可用于对持续较小的地震的地点作出反应, localized emergency where the use of a Mobile Command Post is appropriate such as a building fire or hazardous chemical spill, 等. The vehicle is equipped with a large scale campus map and other general emergency 设备 in the trunk (mostly first aid 设备). The Mobile Command Post greatly enhances our response to emergencies on campus and it allows us to coordinate with the Sheriff and Plant 设施 and efficiently direct our operations in a field environment.