
In this module we will cover time management skills. 你的时间很宝贵. Treat it accordingly by getting the most you can out of it. 你可能是一个很忙的人,想上一门甚至几门在线课程.

你们中的许多人要么是兼职学生,要么是全日制学生,他们可能工作,也可能不工作. 由于这些原因,你可能会发现一天中没有足够的时间来帮助你完成所有的事情.

After completing this module, you will:

  • 了解什么是时间管理,你的时间管理方式是什么
  • Find out your personality type
  • 学会制定时间表,并发现一些在线日程安排应用程序
  • Discover how to prioritize your time
  • Learn to avoid procrastination with some helpful tools


纪律, 责任, 动机——这些是所有学生都需要的特征,以便从课堂上获得最大的收获.

它是。 计划控制你在活动上花费的时间的能力. So how do you control and manage your time with your online courses?

What is your Time Management Style?

你可以通过回答这些问题来确定你的时间管理风格. We have created the following questions to help your understand your personality profile.

  • 你们的老师刚刚给你们的班级布置了第一篇作文的提示,这篇作文两周后就要交了. How do you proceed from here?
  • 你正在做一个小组作业,需要你和其他3个同学分担责任. When would you typically finish your part?
  • 你的老师刚刚发布了你下一个作业的说明,你读了,但不太明白他在某个部分要求什么. 你可能会怎么做?
  • You have an important assignment due Monday morning, 你有社交/工作/家庭的义务,这将使你在周末的大部分时间都很忙. It is now the Wednesday before the assignment is due. How would you approach this dilemma?
  • You must read 150 pages before your next class meeting. 你有4天的时间. What would you most likely do?

There are no right or wrong answers here. 这只是一个让你发现自己时间管理个性的机会. 你以前做事的方式对你有用吗,还是你认为是时候改变一下了? You know that you can always improve.



a. 你在掌控之中
b. 动机不是问题
c. 你很有条理——但也要记得花时间享受学习


a. You have the basic organizational skills
b. You are not always consistent
c. 记住要突破自己对自己的期望


a. You get things done always at the last minute
b. You work well under pressure, but procrastination is your weakness
c. 记住,在做作业的时候没有压力会让你更享受


a. You wait until the last minute, and miss an assignment or two
b. You think quickly but it doesn’t always pay
c. 还记得, 你可以扭转局面, 在合理的时间内安排你的时间——不要害怕向你的教授寻求帮助


The best schedules have some flexibility built into them, 因为在你的学生生涯中,你无疑会遇到意想不到的情况.

Now that you've evaluated how you have done things in the past, 你需要考虑如何创建一个时间表来管理你的时间,以改善这一点!

你的日程安排是 独一无二的你, depending on the level of detail you find helpful. There are some things — due dates, 考试日期, 还有讨论时间, 例如,无论如何,这都应该包括在你的日程安排中.

但是你也会发现把任务分解成你可以安排的步骤(或里程碑)是很有帮助的. Again, 这一切都是关于什么对你最有效——你只想记录你需要记住的主要截止日期吗?

Or does it help you to plan out every day, so you stay on track? Your answers to these questions will vary depending on the course, the complexity of your schedule, 你自己的时间表, and your own personal preferences.

Your schedule will also vary depending on the course you're taking. So, 拿出你的教学大纲 并尝试通过查看以下因素来确定课堂节奏:

  • 你的导师多长时间希望你在讨论区发表一次意见? 什么时候到期??
  • Will you have tests or exams in this course? 这些都安排在什么时候??
  • Are there assignments and papers? 什么时候交??
  • Are there any group or collaborative assignments?


Online Applications for Scheduling?


We all have exactly 168 hours per week. 你是怎么度过你的假期的? 既然你是一名学生,你愿意花多少时间在学习上?


  • 当我上在线课程时,我真的需要制定学习计划吗? I can honestly keep track of all of this in my head.
    • Answer:
  • Realistically, how much time should I spend studying for this class?
    • 答:实际, 学习的一个好的经验法则是每上一小时课学习两小时.
  • 所以除了上课时间的要求,我在制定课程表的时候还需要考虑其他的事情吗?
    • Answer: Determine when you are most productive and efficient. 你什么时候最专注,准备好学习新东西,是早上、下午还是晚上?
  • My life and school requirements change on a week-to-week basis. How can I possibly account for this when making a schedule?
    • 回答:试着制定一个可变的时间表,以防有事情发生或你需要休息一两天
  • 死记硬背有什么不对? (It's what I'll probably end up doing anyway…)
    • Answer: There is nothing wrong with cramming. The question is how long will be able to keep it up? One month, one semester, or your entire college time. It can get very intense and nerve racking.


  • What needs to get done today?
  • What needs to get done this week?
  • What needs to get done by the end the 1st month of the semester?
  • What needs to get done by the end the 2nd month of the semester?
  • What needs to get done by the end of the semester?


You're already spending a lot of time, energy, 还有你正在上的在线课程的钱——不要浪费了!


  • Waits until the last minute to start working on an assignment
  • 开夜车
  • 请求延期
  • 使用 excuse that the Internet was down

If these sound familiar, then you might want to 想认真 关于你是否有拖延的倾向以及你是否想要解决它.


  • 把你的任务分成小块来管理你的时间.
  • 关掉手机,关闭聊天窗口,屏蔽让人分心的网站.
  • 在一个专门用来学习的地方学习,在那里你不会分心,比如图书馆.
  • 创建一个“任务清单” and use it to check off tasks as you move forward with your work.


好消息! 你已经顺利地完成了这门“追求在线成功”课程. 在这个模块中,我们提供了许多时间管理的想法,以及如何确定你的时间管理风格和你的个性类型. 我们还Introduction了一些关于制定时间表和优先安排时间的建议.

如上所述, avoid procrastination at all costs. Easier said than done but try your best! 你可以在网上找到适合你个人风格的其他工具和策略.




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