
在线学习需要学生的承诺. 跟上课程进度 按时完成所有工作是至关重要的. 如果你落后了,就很难赶上来. 基本上,学生需要想要去那里,需要想要体验.

Your instructor may or may not allow you to turn in late assignments or make up an exam or quiz. So, let’s get started and find out what it takes to be successful 在你的在线课程中s.

第二个模块将带您深入了解在线学习. 你会看到:

  • 如果你能成为一个好的在线学生
  • 关于在线学习的真相和误解
  • 在线学习的好处


知道这一点很重要 在线课程并不比面对面的课程容易. 他们需要组织、时间管理和自我激励.

然而, online courses can provide flexibility- which is why students have an interest in taking them. Here are some of the questions that you should ask yourself to test your readiness for an online course.

  • 首先,
    • 你有可靠的网络连接吗?
    • 你有可靠的电脑吗(台式机或笔记本电脑)?
    • 你有打印机吗?
  • 你是一个好的计划者吗?
    • 你能设定目标和截止日期吗?
    • 你自律吗??
    • 你能在学习的时候保持准时吗?
  • 你的独立学习技能是什么?
    • 你学得容易吗??
    • 你能自己解决问题吗?
    • 你听从指示的能力如何?
    • 你能自学吗?
    • 你是否愿意和别人在网上发邮件和讨论?
  • 你的技术水平如何?
    • 你擅长使用不同的技术吗?
    • 你喜欢上网和使用浏览器吗?
    • 你擅长搜索、设置书签和下载文件吗?
    • 你能在电脑上安装不同的应用程序吗?


在线学习并不新鲜, but it is quickly evolving to become a more and more powerful tool for teaching and learning. We would like to give you a clear idea of what you can expect from online learning and provide you with some tips that will help you not only to succeed, 但是要想出类拔萃, 在你的在线课程中.

Incoming students sometimes have a preconceived notion of what online learning will be like.

These misconceptions have gotten in the way of some students who then found it difficult or impossible to complete their online courses successfully. 我们不想你成为这些学生中的一员.


"I've heard that the online course is way easier than taking the same course on campus. 你不需要去上课,你只需要交作业,就完成了."

任何课程的工作量都是一样的,不管它是如何交付的. 如果你仔细想想,在线课程的阅读量会更多,因为你 你一定要看完老师的所有说明吗 而不是在课堂上听. 在网络环境中, you need to be more self-disciplined and motivated because you won't be facing the instructor every session.

“如果我上的是在线课程,我可以随时交作业,对吧? I'll just get all of the assignments from the instructor and blast through it in two weeks rather than wasting a whole semester."

不管你认为你能以自己的速度完成什么; 大多数在线课程都不是自学的. Some instructors reveal all assignments ahead of time and others may roll out course topics and assignments incrementally. The most successful students will concentrate on their work at the pace that the teacher has laid out.

给自己 是时候把注意力集中在课程材料上了 and put your best effort into assignments - don't try to rush though the course just to "get it done". The online learning world is not much different from traditional campus courses: the more you put into it, 你从中得到的就越多.

“在线课程总是比在校上课便宜. 除非你在网上上课,否则你只是在浪费时间和金钱."

学费 fees for online courses are typically the same as your traditional on campus classes, but there are some "hidden" costs in taking a class on campus that you may have not considered. 我们来看看 你可以通过在线上课来省钱.

教授在课堂上随机地要求学生回答问题, 但在网络课堂上,我可以低调行事."

不要被虚拟教室的匿名性所迷惑. 即使你和你的教练可能看不到对方, 他或她可以访问有关您参与课程的数量和质量的报告, 相信我们, 他们将. 他们想知道你做得怎么样,他们做得怎么样 参与 会是你任何一门课的重要组成部分吗. In fact, sometimes faculty knows more about their online students than their on-campus students.


“我在社交媒体上花了很多时间,我给朋友发短信的时间比和他们聊天的时间还多. 为了在网上上课,我不需要学习任何技术技能."

“我真的不懂怎么用电脑,但显然我的教练懂. 我只会在学期中依靠他或她来帮我解决问题. My online class will teach me any of the technical skills I need to figure it out, right?"

在线学习通常不需要广泛的技术知识, 但是你必须了解电脑的基本知识, 互联网, 如何使用学校的学习管理系统(LMS), 比如Canvas. 看“得到Tech-Ready教程,概述您将使用的技术, then be sure to seek out information or tutorials provided by your school about Canvas before starting your course.

Take the time to really understand your online environment before you get too far into the semester: you won't want to wait until minutes before an assignment is due to learn which buttons you need to push in order to submit it.

“电子邮件基本上是即时的,我知道我的老师一直在查看她的电子邮件. So, 如果我有什么不明白的地方,或者对作业有最后的问题, 我可以给她发邮件, 她应该马上回复. She's definitely up at 10 PM, and it would only take her 2 minutes to write back with the answer."

This is a misconception that we're sure all instructors would like to be cleared up from the outset. Most of your instructors provide a maximum email turnaround time, typically between 24-48 hours. 作为一名学生,你需要提供尽可能多的时间,而且 一定要有一个替代的解决方案 如果你在作业截止前没有收到老师的回复(记住, 你的任务是你的责任, 不是他们的).

Some instructors include a "Questions 关于 the Course" discussion thread where they encour年龄 students to answer one another's questions. This could be immensely helpful for you and might be a way for you to help other students in turn. 还记得我们说过的吗 建立课堂关系?)

另一种方法是 联系班里的其他同学 并交换私人邮件,在整个学期相互支持. 因为你们这周都不会见面, 在线课程很容易让人感到孤立. Try some of these tactics so you can connect with others - you will get a lot more out of your classes if you do.

“如果我没有按时完成作业, I used to tell my instructor that I accidentally brought the wrong notebook to class or that my printer ran out of ink. 现在我可以这么说了 我的电脑死机了, that I accidentally deleted my finished assignment, or that I just sent in the wrong attachment."

也许这些借口都不起作用. 还记得, your instructors have not only heard every excuse in the book (probably more than once), 但他们自己也相当精通技术——确实如此, 毕竟, 教授大学水平的在线课程.

确保你完全理解老师的期望 and that you comply with them in a timely manner and keep an open channel of communication with them if you need help or have questions. Detailed information about your instructor's policies and expectations should be included on their course syllabus.


Online classes will give you the flexibility to learn when you are ready to learn and at times that work with your schedule.

对于生活忙碌的学生来说,这是一个真正的优势. 在在线课程中,你不受“上课时间”的限制,“所以你不必担心与你想上的其他课程冲突, 你的工作时间表, 或者其他时间限制!

Students who successfully complete online courses have found that the organizational skills they learned and used to complete their online courses 让他们在传统课程中表现更好 他们后来.

在线学习可以为你提供发展的机会 有意义的人际关系 与你的教授和其他选修同一门课程的学生. 网上聊天一开始可能看起来很奇怪或做作, 但一旦他们习惯了, 大多数人都喜欢在线讨论.

建立支持性的网络关系和友谊需要技巧和实践. 好消息是, students who develop good communication skills learn to be assertive and are able to cooperate and collaborate well in a virtual environment. Students will find these skills highly transferable (and valued) in their personal and professional lives long after their course is over.


伟大的工作! You’ve now been introduced to some of the preliminary steps to test your readiness for online learning. You know about the facts and misconceptions of online learning and what benefits you gain along the way. 让我们继续前进,在成为一名成功的在线学习者的旅程中发现更多.




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